
More than any other single word, commitment describes what makes National different. From the very beginning, National has made a commitment to being the leader in developing rule products to meet the needs of the industry. No rule manufacturer spends more time or money testing and developing new products and technology that help solve problems encountered by today’s Diemakers and Diecutters.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unsurpassed. The roots of National can be traced back to a commercial die shop. This background gives us a unique understanding of the problems faced by our customers. Every employee is dedicated to helping our customers succeed by providing the highest levels of technical support and service.

National uses only the highest quality steel purchased from carefully selected vendors. We stock over 250 varieties of steel which provides remarkable versatility when it comes to engineering products to meet your specific needs. We understand that even the best products do no good if you can’t get them. We maintain an inventory of over 20,000 different items for various applications and prompt deliveries.

We consistently seek new and improved products to meet the changing needs of the industry. We have a complete testing laboratory with both rotary and flat diecutting equipment to test new rule and new material. As part of our research and development department, we often test the cutability of materials. By sending us the material you need to cut, you can get a rule recommendation without expensive trial and error testing.

How does National Steel Rule set itself apart from the competition?

We ASC. No, that’s not spelled wrong. Asking our customers what they want and need from their rule manufacturer, created the ASC acronym that clearly guides how we operate today:

A- Availability – The best products in the world don’t mean a thing if they aren’t readily available. Therefore, we maintain the largest rule inventory in the world today. Even during Covid, we have maintained exellent availability of our standard items.

S- Speed – Inventory, plus a huge manufacturing capacity and state of the art proprietary equipment, allow us to provide the fastest deliveries in the industry, standards and specials alike.

C- Consistency – The ever increasing demands of the industries we serve absolutely require that steel rule be truly consistent in its quality and characteristics. We are fully committed to providing that critical consistency.

Focus – Steel rule is the only product National manufactures. It is our sole and driving focus.

Innovation – We have long been the industry leaders in innovative rule development. To date, we have created over 150 rule innovations and are adding new items to that list every year. Everywhere you see the marks indicates a Zimmer Industries innovation and indicates a National Steel Rule innovation.

Experience – National has over 54 years of rule making experience.

Service – It’s been said that we are a service company disguised as a rule manufacturer. We treat our customers like we do our friends and we know virtually all of them on a first name basis.

Flexibility – We recognize that bigger isn’t always better. We strive to be large enough to effectively compete in the global marketplace, yet small and flexible enough to quickly react and respond to any changes in our customers’ needs.

Ongoing Improvement – We are fully committed to continuous improvement and change, while never forgetting our history and the things that made us what we are today.

The National Steel Rule Quality Policy

We recognize that what was good enough yesterday, may not necessarily be good enough today and what is good enough today, may not be good enough tomorrow. As such, our dedicated mission is to continually improve all aspects of our business to insure our relevance in the ever changing industries we serve.